SCOUTING MINISTRES: 2020 has been the Year that Scouting didn't QUIT.

1. In Mid-March, Scouting simply moved online to Zoom meetings and outdoor gatherings at local parks. Scout leaders modified meetings and our Scouts continued to thrive and complete advancements.
2. Many Scouts took advantage of meeting Merit Badge counselors from all over our country in Online Classrooms.
3. Scouts continued to camp carefully during the summer and completed a 21- mile backpacking trip in Deem Wilderness near Lake Monroe.
4. Our Scouts held a shortened summer camp experience at McCormick's Creek State Park and met with naturalists and adult leaders and worked on Merit Badges and Rank Advancements.
5. Cub Scouts continued working within their small Den units and completed many advancements.
6. The Venturing Crew which is more accustomed to high adventure bases and bigger events were still able to meet at our local camp group in Trafalgar and get in some fishing and boating a few times.
7. 2 Scouts completed their Eagle projects during the pandemic and are looking forward to their final Board of Review sometime in January.
8. The church is now home to the Full Family of Scouting with Boy Scouts of America as we offer Cub Scouting ages K-age 11, Scouts-BSA ages 11-18 and our new Venturing Crew ages 14-21.
9. The Units are looking forward to 2021 where they will hopefully be able to get out camping more. We hope to have hanging flower baskets available for sale for Mothers’ Day delivery and more details will come on that.