The Greenwood United Methodist Church hosted a Souper Bowl Cook-off on Friday, January 31 – sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Greenwood -- to raise money for Riley Hospital for Children and scholarships for area high school students. This year seven area churches sent their top soup chefs to compete for the honor of “best” soup.
Over 230 people enjoyed seven delicious soups as well as all kinds of desserts. They also shopped at an outstanding silent auction.
Entertainment was provided by Star Wars Indiana. A Wookie, Jedi, and storm troopers as well as other Star Wars characters delighted the crowd and graciously stayed all evening, posing for pictures.
Thanks to all our church members who helped the Kiwanis Club make the SouperBowl Cook-off a success. After expenses, approximately $5,000 was raised for Riley and local scholarships!Details coming soon....